of an AppleScript stack overflow the data is damaged and unreadable the dialect is not available of an error compiling or running the script the script’s data format is too new for the scripting component to read the script is stored in an obsolete data format of an AppleScript error of an AppleScript dialect error of an Apple event error recording is turned on. Stop recording before performing this action the application did not respond (Apple Event timed out) the disk the file is on has disappeared the file could not be found the Apple Event Manager extension is not installed AppleScript could not load the language dialect I can't connect to the scripting system. Make sure it was installed correctly the script is not editable (it was saved as run-only) the script has syntax errors and can’t be compiled it is not scriptable a script is running there’s not enough free memory to permit that operation of a memory heap error the script or value could not be viewed as text of a Component Manager error of a scripting-system (OSA) error I can't connect to AppleScript. Make sure AppleScript was installed correctly you are already recording in another editor window the text would be longer than its maximum possible length of an internal error (event loop exited) of an internal error you cancelled the operation an internal component is missing an internal component is missing this feature is not yet implemented the required resources were not found there are too many files open the disk is not available it is not the right kind of document AppleTalk is not connected of a problem with AppleTalk the selected printing resource could not be found you do not have the necessary access privileges of a problem with the file server its disk copy was changed that file is already open in another window its disk copy was deleted of a problem communicating with the printer the printer could not be found of a problem writing the print file the file is already in use or was left open the file is locked of a disk error there is not enough memory available the disk is locked the disk is full of a program error